Some of the Longhorn Cattle at Janeway Ranch

Longhorn Cows

"Bella" and one of her newborn calfs...

Longhorn Calf

Here's a close-up of the baby...

Longhorn Bull


Longhorn Calf

Another calf...

Longhorn Cows

"Saffy" and a couple young ones...

Yearling Bull

Yearling Bull...

Longhorn Calf

Another Calf...

Longhorn Calf

"Saffy" when she was just a few days old...


A couple more calfs...

Longhorn Cow

Another Cow...

Longhorn Cows

Another picture of "Bella"...

Longhorn Cows

"Saffy" nursing her newborn calf...

Longhorn Cow

Another picture of "Saffy"...

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